
Read about the Green Party of California's candidates, officeholders, county Green organizations, and our members.

See GPCA Press Releases, and also party news and announcements listed below.

Contact our Spokespeople with press requests and questions.


Party News

Aug 12 2024
August 12, 2024 - The Green Party of California demands the Biden-Harris administration demonstrate genuine support for the Equal Rights Amendment, stop blocking its completion, and explicitly instruct the Archivist to publish it onto the U.S. Constitution. GPCA urges everyone to take action and call for the Biden-Harris Administration to instruct the Archivist to publish the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution today!
May 28 2024
Join us at the Jill Stein Community Organizing Kickoff on Sat. June 29 online, 3-4:30 pm PT, right after the General Assembly! Open to the public, Register TODAY!
May 28 2024
Join us for the June 29 Green Party of California's online General Assembly online! Early Registration is open now!
Oct 2 2023
Join us for the Green Party of California Fall General Assembly on Saturday, October 21, 2023 online! Early Registration opens first week of October and ends on October16th!
Jun 18 2023
June 19, 2023 - The Green Party of California welcomes Dr. Cornel West’s entry into the Green Party Presidential Nomination process. We believe his participation with a credible, legitimate and democratically structured political party, like the Green Party, will inspire many voters to claim their electoral power and exercise their democratic rights in the 2024 election.
Oct 13 2022
Sixteen California Greens, including five incumbents were on the Nov 8th election ballot. VOTE GREEN to put people, planet, and peace over profits!
Jun 13 2022
The Green Party of California invites you to join our upcoming video/teleconference General Assembly on Saturday and Sunday, July 9-10, 2022. REGISTER TODAY!
Mar 2 2022
March 3, 2022 - The Green Party of California condemns in the strongest possible terms the recent attack on Ukraine by the Russian military that has so far caused hundreds of civilian casualties, including children, and forced thousands of Ukrainians to take refuge in Poland and other neighboring countries
Sep 1 2021
The Green Party of California OPPOSES the Gubernatorial Recall Election and endorses Green Party candidate Kapelovitz for Governor, after delegates from active county Green Parties participated in a vote following a six-week discussion period. Q1: VOTE NO ON RECALL Q2: VOTE FOR DAN KAPELOVITZ
Feb 18 2021
February 1st, 2021 - The Green Party of California advocates for local control, environmental review and public consent that present policy supporting 4G/5G technology takes away.


Press Releases

Mar 7 2023
March 7, 2023 - The Green Party of California hereby demands that the United States government publicly propose and support an immediate ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, and the initiation of continuing diplomatic discussions to resolve conflicts peacefully, hosted by a third party of their choice.
Jul 1 2022
The Green Party of California announced today that it has formally joined the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel and will participate until Israel ends its illegal occupation of lands, and other ongoing crimes, committed against Palestinians.
Jun 10 2022
June 10, 2022, Sacramento, CA - Left Unity Strategy Pays Off for California's Green Party, Peace and Freedom Party as They Mark Major Electoral Gains After California’s Tuesday Primary Election, that ensured both parties ballot status until 2026 – they credit historic cooperation between the two parties in creating the first-ever “Left Unity Slate” of statewide candidates that resulted in significantly higher-than-usual vote totals.
Feb 3 2022
SACRAMENTO - February 3, 2022 — Despite the Democratic Party’s super-majorities in both houses of the legislature, and the vast public support for CalCare (AB 1400), the California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act, the bill was pulled on Monday, January 31, just before the Assembly floor vote, by the main author, Assemblymember Ash Kalra.
Oct 26 2021
California Greens Endorse a “Left Unity Slate” in a historic decision, this united strategy was based on the many shared values between the Green and the Peace and Freedom political parties.
Sep 8 2021
Sept. 8, 2021 - Sacramento - The Green Party of California voted overwhelmingly both to OPPOSE the recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom and to ENDORSE Green Party member Dan Kapelovitz as his replacement should the recall vote pass.
Jul 27 2021
July 27, 2021 - In early July, Green Party delegates from across the state voted to take an unequivocal stand on the party’s identity as EcoSocialist. The Green Party of California has taken three crucial steps recently in its push for comprehensive actions on the climate crisis and vast social inequality in the face of Democratic and Republican politicians’ failure to act.
Jun 8 2021
June 8, 2021 - The Green Party of California stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people and with their fight against the brutal apartheid regime of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
May 20 2021
May 20, 2021 - Greens reject excuses by the U.S. and Israel for violence against Palestinians. In direct defiance of the will of the United Nations, the Israeli government has escalated bombing attacks on the Palestinian people. As an excuse for Israel’s attacks, the United States has said that Israel has the "right to defend itself."
Apr 26 2021
April 26, 2021 - Green Party of California condemns Democratic Party ‘betrayal’ for shelving of Guaranteed Health Care for All Act, AB 1400 *On April 7, 2021, Green Party of California endorsed AB1 400. The Green Party of California aligns with a growing majority of Californians and many coalition partners in condemning this decision by the lawmakers.
