
Read about the Green Party of California's candidates, officeholders, county Green organizations, and our members.

See GPCA Press Releases, and also party news and announcements listed below.

Contact our Spokespeople with press requests and questions.


Party News

May 2 2014
Bill needs to address high filing fees/signatures-in-lieu requirement; cost of ballot statements, re-establish general election write-in voting
Apr 7 2014
Students seeking electoral alternatives invite Green Party
Jan 13 2014
Bill must contain remedy for negative effects of Top Two on smaller parties
Dec 11 2013
For the second straight term, the Napa Valley College Board of Trustees will have a Green Student Trustee - this time its Alex Shantz.
Sep 15 2013
Jill appears in Petaluma, San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles.
Aug 22 2013
The Green Party of California will consider endorsements for a Green candidate in each of the following 2014 statewide offices, to appear on the June 2014 primary election ballot: Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Controller, Treasurer, Insurance Commissioner and Superintendent of Public Education. The process will include: 
Jul 9 2013
By Michael Feinstein,Spokesperson, Green Party of California Executive Summary: Proposition 14, passed by the voters in the June 2010 primary, has had profoundly negative effects upon California’s smaller, long-standing ballot-qualified parties: 
Jun 23 2013
The GPCA General Assembly declares as a goal for the GPCA in 2014 that there is a unified and coordinated slate of Green candidates for California's statewide constitutional offices


Press Releases

Mar 18 2011
The Green Party of California endorsed the statewide and national demonstrations March 19 and next month opposing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well calling for the inhumane treatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning, who is being held incommunicado in connection with the WikiLeaks release of documents to the public.
Mar 17 2011
Gov. Jerry Brown was accused of offering "false choices" to Californians about the state budget by an official of the opposition Green Party of California, who went on to ask the governor if he stands "with us for human needs, or will you instead stand for continuing tax breaks for huge corporations and the very wealthy?"
Mar 15 2011
GREEN PARTY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS RELEASE SACRAMENTO (Mar 15, 2011) A Green Party environmental watchdog - whose wife's entire family resides in Japan - said today that it is "inevitable that the United States must re-examine its own posture regarding not only the future of nuclear power, but also the management of the 104 nuclear power plants already operating" in the U.S.
Mar 14 2011
The Green Party of California Monday expressed its "deepest sympathies" with the people of Japan after last week's earthquake and tsunami disaster, and the possible nuclear catastrophe that may engulf Japan and parts of the rest of the world - including California, which may be one of the first mainland states to be effected by radiation from a Japanese meltdown.
Mar 2 2011
Green Party of California officials this week threw their political muscle behind statewide student-based protests Wednesday at UC and other campuses against continued hikes in fees and tuition.
Feb 24 2011
GREEN PARTY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS RELEASE SACRAMENTO - In response to the Wisconsin protests - and sympathetic actions in California and other states by public employees this week to preserve their rights to collective bargaining - the Green Party of California affirmed its support for unionized public workers across California and nation.
Feb 15 2011
GREEN PARTY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS RELEASE SACRAMENTO - The Green Party of California this week said it supports actions - including pickets at her office and home - to pressure U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein to investigate human rights violations against accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning, who is charged with leaking information about U.S. war crimes and failed foreign policy in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Jan 31 2011
GREEN PARTY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS RELEASE SACRAMENTO - The Green Party of California warned Gov. Jerry Brown today - minutes before he gives his "State of the State" address - to not go down the same path as ex-Gov. Schwarzenegger by trying to solve California's financial crisis on the backs of workers and the poor.
Jan 31 2011
Will Gov. Jerry Brown - who "said" he wanted ideas - REALLY listen to ideas that could save working families money and help California recover from its financial crisis, asked the Green Party of California Monday night after the governor gave his 14-minute State of the State address.
Jan 10 2011
Gov. Brown missed an "historic opportunity" to fix California when he announced his budget Monday, and continues the trend of balancing the state's finances on the backs of working families through increased "regressive" taxes for vehicles and sales while allowing the wealthiest off the hook, said the Green Party of California.
