Run Green

How to run for office as a Green

Greens are known for thinking globally and running locally. Many hundreds of Greens have run for office since our inception in 1990 and many have, and continue to serve in public office today. Learn about current and past Green office holders at the GP-US Election Database.

To run for public office as a Green yourself, start with the steps below and contact your County Green Party and the GPCA Candidates Committee.  

Step #1: Identify the offices available to run for in your area
In 2020, there will be multiple offices open on the municipal, county, state and federal level. To find the municipal and county races in your area, check with the Registrar's office in your county.  Our greatest electoral successes have been at the local non-partisan level. These elections are generally held in March, April, June and November.
On the state and federal level, U.S. Senate, State Assembly, State Senate and congressional many seats may be up for election in 2020. Learn more at the California Secretary of State's Elections Division.

Step #2: Assess your skills and experience
What office best suits you, your skills, experience and interests?
What issues are you running on?
Are your views in alignment with the Green Party of California's platform on those issues?

Step #3: Talk to your friends, colleagues, community leaders and seek their input and endorsements
To run a successful campaign, you must build local power with a record of involvement in your community, as well as the support of friends, family, Greens, and others active in politics.
Seek the support and endorsement of your County Green Party.

Step #4: Make sure you meet the deadline for filing for office
Each office has its own deadline for taking out nomination signature petitions and for handing them in. Check with your County Registrar or Election office to learn about the deadline for the office you are interested in. To run for partisan state or federal office as a Green in the next election, you must be registered Green no later than the time you hand in your required filing documents.

Step #5: Identify the deadlines, requirements and fees required to run for state and federal office
California Secretary of State Candidate Resources
Fair Political Practices Commission trainings for candidates
Federal Elections Commission helpful information for candidates

Step #6: Learn more with the California Election Code about the Green Party Presidential Primary and Presidential Electors.